Page 5 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 123
P. 5 Issue #123 April 2023 5
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Champs Eastside Boxing - The Little Club that Could
By Jim Riddell club that had opened on the corner of Pitt and Ninth
in the basement of the Canada Bread building and
hamps Eastside Boxing has often been referred it was being operated by former fighter Dave Hilton
Cto as “the little club that could” by its members. Sr. “It was everything that a boxing gym should be in
Jorge Luis, Champs founder, head coach, and those days,” Jorge said, “It smelled of sweat, leather,
trainer talks about his lifelong interest in the sport liniment, and wintergreen. Dave would give you a
and how “the little club that could,” came to be. “It few tips here and there, but you would go by the
was due to Muhammad Ali that I became interested clock, green light was work, red light was rest. Very
in boxing. I watched Wide World of Sports on simple, 3-minute rounds, 1 minute rest. There were
Saturday afternoons and many of Ali’s fights were different circuits for beginners and advanced boxers,
shown there. I can vividly remember my dad and I Mrs. Hilton would hand each of us a sheet and that
watching the first Ken Norton fight where Ali got was the circuit that we had to follow, with fighters
his jaw broken. I liked Ali as a fighter and also how getting priority on the heavy bags.” Dave Hilton’s
he stuck up for what he believed in. I started to sons Dave Jr, Alex, and Matthew were always at the
shadow box around the house, then a buddy of mine gym, with Jorge saying that they weren’t very big
and I made a heavy bag by filling an old army duffle but that their skill level was very advanced. “Dave
bag with sand and hanging it from a tree in his back and I were born on the same day, same year,” Jorge
yard. It was way too heavy and way too hard, so we said. “There was a size difference, I was quite a bit Photo Submitted
had to make some changes. We used a combination bigger than he was but when we sparred, he had to
of old rags, sand, and a few other things, which take it easy on me. By age 13 Dave had between send each other happy birthday wishes on FB every
worked well once we got the ratio right, and we 70 and 80 amateur fights and he was so fast and December 9th.”
could use our winter mitts as bag gloves.” so experienced, he just saw everything coming. We The Hilton family moved to Montreal in the
are still in touch occasionally on messenger and we
In the fall of 1976 Jorge heard that there a boxing Continued on page 8