Page 4 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 125
P. 4
4 Issue #125 June 2023
Swimming with the Sea Lions: Swimmers of the Year
By Victoria Klassen accomplishments.
“Hailey competed in her first
he Cornwall Sea Lions Swim national event in Windsor this
TClub’s swimmers of the year, March against Eastern Canada and
Hailey McDonald, and Zachary placed in the top 20 in the 50m
Millward, were announced on May freestyle. She will go on to compete
10 at the annual awards ceremony nationally at the Canadian Junior
by the Lions Club. Championships at the Toronto Pan
Am facility in August. Hailey’s
The Sea Lion’s female swimmer
of the year was awarded to goal is to make the trial teams and
compete internationally for Team
14-year-old Hailey McDonald.
For swimming, she trains in the Canada, and I have no doubt that she
is capable of achieving her dreams,”
pool eleven hours a week along said Cory Kyer, head coach of the
with dryland training. Hailey also
plays on many school sports teams Sea Lions.
while maintaining an 87 percent The Sea Lion’s male swimmer of
average. It hasn’t gone unnoticed the year was awarded to 12-year-
that Hailey is becoming a team old Zachary Millward, who began
leader who mentors and teaches swimming with the Sea Lions three
the junior swimmers when the and a half years ago. While his fi rst
opportunity arises. This year, she two years with the team had limited
had many major breakthroughs and training due to Covid-19 restrictions,
Photo Submitted
he returned this year with energy, the pool for practice. He is known
positivity, and ready to achieve for being a true sportsman who
success. always has a positive attitude and
motivates his teammates at practices
“His goal is to better himself so
and at competitions.
that he can later teach others to
do better and achieve their goals. “I’ve worked really hard this year.
He is a swimmer that every coach I’m very happy to receive this award.
wants to have on their team. Zach I’ve never received anything like
is an up-and-coming junior athlete it,” said Zach. “I want to continue
with lots of potential to become a working hard and get even better so
great leader in anything he wants I can improve my times. I also want
to accomplish in his future,” said to use what my coaches taught me to
help others. I want to thank Coach
Zach trains six and a half Linda for helping me get this far,
hours a week after school and is and also my family and friends who
consistently the first swimmer in always support me.”