Page 4 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 128
P. 4
4 Issue #128 September 2023
Player Profile: Cornwall Colts - Kaiden Pyke
By Victoria Klassen the ice, he works for his father’s
MPR renovation company. He also
played lacrosse for the Cornwall
s the Cornwall Colts gear up for Celtics peewee team last year and
Aanother exciting season, Kaiden played some games for the Junior B
Pyke is looking forward to his third Akwesasne Indians. He has won two
year with the team. provincial gold medals in lacrosse.
As a Cornwall local, Kaiden grew The Cornwall Colts’ season starts
up watching the Colts play. Now that in mid-September, but the team
he is on the ice with them, he knows has already been training hard and
what an honour it is to play with this playing pre-season games.
influential team.
“Training has been difficult but
“My favourite moment was when worth every second in the long run,”
I was an affiliate as a 15-year-old said Kaiden. “My goals are to play
on the Cornwall Colts and scored at the highest level that I’m able to
two goals in my first game, and got reach.”
second star,” shared Kaiden.
He said the most influential person
Before the Cornwall Colts, Kaiden who has helped him in his hockey
played hockey for the Seaway Valley journey is his father. Kaiden said his
Rapids, Eastern Ontario Wild, and dad is someone he has always looked
the Cornwall Colts U18. up to, who is endlessly supportive,
Photo credit Icelevel
In Kaiden’s time away from and always pushes him to do his best.
Colts Home Schedule
Colts Home Schedule
Photo IceLevel