Page 6 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 128
P. 6
6 Issue #128 September 2023
Xavier Uhr: From Cornwall Wildcats to
Mount Allison Mounties
By Molly Kett brothers was an unmatched feeling in nearly a decade with the Wildcats,
my life. A feeling I’d strive to relive going through ups and downs, being
every year for the rest of my career.” able to say we finished as a top three
avier Uhr, a rising football star Uhr’s journey in football continued team in Ontario is really something to
Xfrom Cornwall, is embarking to evolve as he progressed through be proud of. It was the perfect way to
on an exciting journey from the the ranks. He began playing for recognize all the work we’ve put in
Cornwall Wildcats to realizing his the Cornwall Wildcats in 2013, over the years.”
dream of playing at the university level participating in both the spring and Uhr had always wanted to take his
with the Mount Allison Mounties. fall seasons in the House league and football journey a bit further.
Uhr’s love for football began at the the NCAFA. Six years of dedication “As I got older, this started to
young age of eight, setting the stage and hard work led him to a crucial become more and more of a reality.
for a remarkable journey that would turning point in 2019 when he decided After sending out highlight tapes,
see him achieve great heights in the to take his football career to the talking to coaches, my dream of
sport. For Uhr, football wasn’t just a provincial level by joining the Ottawa playing at the university level finally
game; it was a brotherhood. Sooners. Uhr and his team went on came true,” said Uhr. “I joined the
“I’ve liked the sport of football to become provincial champions that Mount Allison Mounties. After going
since I was around 8 years old. But year, marking a significant milestone on a great visit where I was able to
my true passion was when I won my in his football journey. meet and connect with some of the
first championship with the Cornwall However, like many athletes, Uhr coaches/players, I realized that Mount
Wildcats in 2015,” said Uhr. “Being faced a challenge that no one saw Allison would be the perfect fit for
able to celebrate our success with my coming – the COVID-19 pandemic. It me. I decided to sign, and it’s been
nothing but excitement since.”
Looking ahead, Uhr is eager to
contribute to the Mounties’ continued
“What I am most looking forward
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to over my time here at Mount Allison
disrupted his plans, robbing him of his is to help build something great,”
said Uhr. “The Mounties have been
final U16 season with the Cornwall
Wildcats. His return to the field was growing each and every year, inching
closer and closer to a Loney Bowl
eagerly anticipated, and it finally
happened in the fall of 2021 when (AUS football championship). Their
he played a season with the Orleans team chemistry, and ability to work
well as a team, are the main reasons
Raftsmen at midget level. Uhr also why they remain so competitive
made his triumphant return to the
Wildcats for his final two summer annually. My goal over the next four
seasons while simultaneously playing to five years is to keep growing that
a final season of NCAFA with the culture and hopefully come out with
North Gloucester Giants. a couple championships while we’re
Reflecting on his decade-long at it.”
football career, Uhr recalls some Xavier Uhr’s football journey is
unforgettable moments. a testament to the power of passion,
“Winning a city championship in dedication, and the pursuit of dreams.
2015 and a provincial championship From his early days with the Cornwall
in 2019 were definitely exciting,” Wildcats to his current chapter with
the Mount Allison Mounties, Uhr’s
said Uhr. “That being said, the biggest
standout moment in my career had to unwavering commitment to the
have been my final season with the sport continues to inspire both his
Wildcats in 2023. To have played for teammates and aspiring athletes.