Page 5 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 139
P. 5                                                               Issue 139 August 2024                               5


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      Coby Delves Reflects on His Football Journey with

      Team Canada

                                            played quite a bit of basketball which                                      didn’t feel real; it almost felt like I was
       By Molly Kett
                                            helped a lot with my athleticism and                                        dreaming. I was on cloud nine for days.”
                                            workout in high school.”                                                      Even better, Team Canada came away
          oby Delves has been making waves    Delves’ passion for football has only                                     from the tournament with the gold,
      Cin  the  world  of  football.  Now  a  intensified over the years.                                               defeating Japan 20-9 in the final of the
      defensive end for  Team Canada’s U20      “I  fell  in  love  with  the  sport  the                               event.
      squad, Delves’ journey is one marked  moment  I  touched  the  field.  However,                                     Looking ahead, Delves is determined
      by dedication, hard work, and a deep  I’ve really started to focus on football the                                to lead his Wildcats team to success.
      passion for the game.                 past two years, getting stronger on and                                       “The next step would be to make it
        Delves’ football career began in 2012  off  the  field,”  said  Delves.  “The  team                             to  the  finals  of  the  OSFL  and  redeem
      with the Cornwall Wildcats, a team that  Canada experience made me curious just                                   ourselves from last year. I’m hoping
      has become like a second family to him.   how far I can go in my career, so I’m                                   to have a wonderful last year with my
        “I started playing football in 2012 with  working very hard to find out.”                                       brothers and finish off my career with the
      the Cornwall Wildcats, with two of my   The opportunity to join Team Canada                                       Wildcats with a bang,” said Delves.
      teammates I’ve been playing with since  came unexpectedly for Delves.                                               Delves also expressed his gratitude to
      my first year, Noah Cardinal, and Xavier   “I got a call from the head coach one                                  those who have supported him along the
      Uhr. They are like brothers to me,” said  week before we had to be in Calgary for                                 way.
      Delves. “Then just three years later we  camp and team selection. So, I had about                                   “A big thank you to my parents for
      won the A cup in 2015, which is my first  a week to get all my assignments in order                               helping me through everything that
      of two championship wins. I’ve been  for school and my midterms pushed back,                                      football brings, and I would like to
      playing football ever since; first position  not to mention getting ready and packing                             thank the Cornwall Wildcats for helping
      was wide receiver, then tight end, and  for the three-week trip,” said Delves. “It                                me pursue my future in football,” said
      now  I’m playing  defensive  end.  I’ve  was a crazy experience to get that call. It           Photo Submitted    Delves.
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