Page 7 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 139
P. 7 Issue 139 August 2024 7
Wishin’ I was Fishin’...
19442 Hwy. 2, SUMMERSTOWN Tel. 613-931-1443 •
with Hunter MacDonell
Cal Lane from Major League Fishing
By: Molly Kett
was down in Messina, NY, and we
got to spend some time together out
unter MacDonell, an 18-year- on the river and catch some fish.”
Hold fishing enthusiast, has MacDonell’s favourite fishing
lived by the river since birth. He spots vary, but one stands out. “It
started fishing at the age of three, would, for sure, be walking all the
and immediately became passionate small creeks and canals down in Boca
about the sport. Raton, Florida, for big peacock bass
“My mother said she couldn’t and snakeheads,” said MacDonell.
even get me to come in to eat; she When asked how he would convince
would have to take food to me,” said someone to try fishing, MacDonell’s
MacDonell. response was enthusiastic. “The
For MacDonell, the best part about excitement and adrenaline rush
fishing is the serene mornings spent you get from catching a 5-pound
on the river. smallmouth will have you ‘hooked’
“The thing I love most about right till the end,” said MacDonell.
fishing is being able to get up in the As for future fishing destinations,
morning and go straight down to my he has Lake Gunterville, North
boat,” said MacDonell. “There is Alabama in mind.
something special about being the Smallmouth bass are MacDonell’s
first boat on the river and catching favorite catch, but his passion for the
big smallmouth with not another boat sport goes beyond just catching fish.
in sight.” “My passion for the sport is like Photo Submitted
Since he started to fish and such no other. My dream would be to
a young age, MacDonell has many hopefully make a career out of it
fond memories on the water. someday. One of the most important
“My earliest fishing memory is my things to being successful on the river some very challenging days, but all in “I am very thankful for all the support
mom pulling me out of elementary is putting in your time and searching the end, that’s what I strive for in this and confidence that my sponsors
school and taking me down to the for those fish,” said MacDonell. “Not sport.” have in me. They have contributed
marina to fish off the docks for every day is going to be the same. MacDonell is grateful for the to my success on the river,” said
perch,” said MacDonell shared. “My You are going to have some really support he has received thus far in MacDonell, acknowledging Grumpy
favourite fishing memory is when good days and you’re going to have turning his passion into a career. Bait Company,
el. 613-931-1443 www
19442 Hwy. 2, SUMMERSTOWN Tel. 613-931-1443
19442 Hwy