Page 9 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 139
P. 9                                                               Issue 139 August 2024                               9


                                            country, some send human operatives  sheep to every human on the island  any serious threat  to Canada.  This
                                            to gather information on space  and that a Kiwi is a bird as well as  left Canada’s team in a flux and after
                                            programs and military intelligence.   a fruit. No, we get caught spying on  being disciplined by FIFA, were able
                                              The  Japanese watched  Pearl  the NZ women’s soccer team. Good  to win every one of their opening
                                            harbour for months before the attack  gracious me, do we not have game  round games. Too much talent and, I
                         By Thom Racine
                                            in 1941. Do you think the allies woke  film in these dark ages we live in?  suspect, more incentive than ever to
                                            up one morning in June of 1944 and      While this goes on in many places  meet this embarrassing moment head
                                            said today is a good day to invade  of sport, what is the most bizarre is  on. I, like many, hope they win it all,
                                            France and call  it D-Day. Police  that  the country  of France warning  just because!
                                            agencies do surveillance  on drug  all visitors entering the country,         Last word to the Kiwi’s on this
          pying  defined;  Work  for  a  dealers, and on and on I could go.  ‘No Drones’ allowed.’ Yet the brain
                                                                                                                        one — Canada couldn’t organize  a
      Sgovernment or other organization  While likely every country including  trust of our countries  very popular
                                                                                                                        piss-up in a brewery, they’re such
      by secretly  collecting  information  Canada spies on other countries  women’s soccer team decided to take        Muppets —  translated  — Canada
      about enemies and yes, even friends.  — only Canada would get caught  one over anyway and spy on New
        Hmmm,  some  countries send  spying on New Zealand.  It wasn’t  Zealand.  No disrespect to the New              was  unable to accomplish a simple
                                                                                                                        task. Idiots!
      weather  balloons over another  for the secret to why there are twenty  Zealanders,  but  they  posed  little  if
      Bob Thompson Honoured at Basketball Court

      Dedication Ceremony in Ingleside

                                            refreshments, as some took part
      Submitted Article
                                            in a basketball  game  with  Bob
                                            Thompson on the sideline  blowing
           ver 200 people  gathered  on
      Othe  morning  of  July 13,  2024,    his whistle  and refereeing  the
                                            friendly scrimmage. Bob graciously
      as the Township of South Stormont
                                            accepted  the  honour of  his name
      held a dedication ceremony officially   being tied to a new basketball court
      naming a newly constructed outdoor
                                            that  he  suggested  will  allow  future
      basketball facility in Ingleside after   generations  to enjoy the sport that
      Bob  Thompson, a well  known          he has dedicated so many volunteer
      community  volunteer  and retired
                                            hours to help build at the local level.
      teacher  at  the  former  Rothwell-   He was joined at the ceremony by
      Osnabruck High School.
                                            his wife Helen, their two daughters
          South Stormont Mayor, Bryan  and their families who made the trip
      McGillis,  addressed the  crowd and  from New  Zealand and St. Louis,
      helped  unveil the  plaque  that  reads  Missouri.
      “Welcome to Thompson Court.”
                                               Background Info:
         “We are honoured to be here today
                                              Bob  Thompson’s name  has been
      to celebrate  Bob for his dedication   synonymous with the sport of
      to his community and the sport of
                                            basketball across Stormont, Dundas,
      basketball,”  Mayor McGillis said.    and Glengarry for over 40 years.
      “Thompson Court will be space for     A resident of Ingleside, he has
      the  community  to continue  Bob’s
                                            volunteered his time to grow the sport
      passion for the game, and we could    at the local level and is respected
      think of nobody more deserving to
                                            as a founder, coach, and dedicated
      have their name associated with this   builder.  Bob has coached all levels                                                         Photo Submitted
                                            of boys’ and girls’ teams throughout   to  do so throughout  his retirement.  operate  development   basketball
          Following the ceremony, those  his teaching  career  at  Rothwell-      He  has  also  collaborated  with  both  camps for over 25 years and
      in  attendance  enjoyed  cake  and  Osnabruck School and continued          the school board and  Township to
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