Page 9 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 125
P. 9 Issue #125 June 2023 9
Wishin’ I was Fishin’...
19442 Hwy. 2, SUMMERSTOWN Tel. 613-931-1443 •
with Thomas Attwood
By Molly Kett to fish is in his hometown where
he grew up on Lac St. Louis. He
ixteen-year-old Thomas enjoys catching bass and hopes to
SAttwood just moved to Green try his hand at fishing in Australia
Valley from Chateauguay, Quebec,
one day.
and is already getting familiar with
the local fishing spots! Attwood doesn’t only fish for
fun, but he competes too!
“I love fishing because it gives
me a lot of time with my dad, and “I’ve been competing in
while we fish, I like to take breaks tournaments with my dad since I
and swim in the water as well,” was ten. You win some and you
said Attwood. lose some,” said Attwood. “I will
always love fishing with my dad
Before he moved to the area, because it creates good memories.”
he was fishing often. He had his
earliest memory when he was For those he’s hoping to
only two years old. He says he convince to try fishing, Attwood
remembers casting, and pretending knows exactly what he would tell
he caught a big fish when really it them.
was seaweed. “It’s a good hobby, and it’s
“My favourite fishing memory fun to get a big fish because
is when I caught thirteen fish in you can’t ever forget the feeling
one day,” said Attwood. “Me and when you bring it in the boat,”
my dad would pretend we were in said Attwood.
our own fishing tournament. I even If you see him on the local
got a hook in my ear that day.” waters this summer, be sure to
Although he’s loving the new welcome Attwood to the area,
local spots, his favourite place and show him a few of the spots! Photo Submitted
19442 Hwy. 2, SUMMERSTOWN Tel. 613-931-1443
el. 613-931-1443 www
19442 Hwy